Sunday, March 15, 2020

TFBR modernization essays

TFBR modernization essays Organizational Development and Change Enclosed is the change project paper on Technical Feedback Reporting Modernization. For many years the Fleet has been complaining that TFBRs are way too burdensome to submit and take too long to receive resolutions. The stark reality is that no matter how smart, how hard working, how dedicated or how strong, Sailors are, they simply cant speed up the process for providing feedback or seek resolution for maintenance procedures that are incorrect or lack clarity by themselves. Todays modern warships have electronic capability to allow for faster transmission and receipt of TFBR resolutions. I wish to exploit that capability. Today the submission of TFBRs is done manually on paper and is slow and cumbersome and most maintainers find it very difficult to receive TFBR responses in a timely fashion. Our sailors deserve and would very much like a system that allows for electronic TFBR submission and response receipt. Additionally, the current way of TFBR submission ties up valuable resources at the In Service Engineering Agent (ISEA) by making all TFBRs be routed to them for resolution instead of prescreening unnecessary TFBRs to resolve them at the lowest level possible. Costs estimate put each TFBR response at around $1,350 per resolution by an ISEA. This change project paper presents three possible solutions on how to help save valuable maintenance dollars by making TFBR submission and response all electronic; create electronic pre-screening to eliminate duplication of effort; and filter unnecessary TFBRs from reaching the ISEA. By enacting my change plan I can safely estimate a savings in excess over $1.5 million dollars for the Submarine Force alone. Multiply that number times 5, and you can see the entire fleet savings if all Type Commanders were switched to electronic TFBR submission and tracking. Admiral, please review the history, ...

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